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In order to maintain the eco-enviroment on the farm, we set out some rules and looking forward to your cooperation:

1- To protect the nature:
  • We made all eco-friendly products like Sanitizer, Shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste for guests to use during your stay.
  • We use diswashing liquid made from soapnuts.
  • Please do not use industrial cleanser products which has chemical ingridients during your stay.
  • Please limit or do not bring plastic bags or bottle to the farm. If you do, please bring it back when you leave.
  • Please don’t bring foods to your rooms to avoid attracting ants which may bite your kids.

2- To keep your kids safe
  • Please be aware hot water pile in the bathroom (70oC-80oC) which may burn your kids’ skin.
  • We have many ponds inside the farm. Please watch your kids to avoid falling down to the ponds.

3- Slippers
  • We have some black slippers to make it convenients for you during your stay. Please leave it behind when you check out.
  • Please don’t wears the slippers into the toilets or common kitchen areas.

4 – Please put trash in the right place

5- Self-service: we have all the fruits and drinks in the comon areas, please service yourself and wash dishes after used.

6- Please note that we don’t use pesticides so farm has natural insects including mosquitos, ants, ect.

7- Please note meal’s time is fixed:
  • Breakfast is at 7:30am
  • Lunch is at 11:30am
  • Dinner is at 6:30pm

8- Please don’t bring along high power speaker to our farm. We need to keep the peaceful environment for both guests and farmers.